Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Torture for Women

I'm taking this newfangled "exercise" class that I love/hate.  I love the fact that we suffer as a group and pay money for it.  I hate the entire 60 minutes of torture.  If you think that I am just a whiner - here are some examples of the contortions we are put through:

dailmeth364the left knee is off of the ground - in case you did not notice...and then we go "up an inch and down an inch"...and then "up an inch and down two inches" until the exercise finishes below ground level.

dailmeth393in this picture - the body positions are mis-represented.. by this time in the class the butt cramps have kicked in and are so severe that the ballerina leg flops jelly-like in  spasms on the floor.  The head is face planted into the carpeting.

ShaliaSkjong985bwthis is the infamous C curve... looks easy - right?  Well - this is just the set up part - next we take the right arm out to the side and the left arm out to the side and then "tuck, tuck, tuck" ... my head I substitute an "F" for the "T" ... .

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